asking prices

美 [ˈæskɪŋ ˈpraɪsɪz]英 [ˈɑːskɪŋ ˈpraɪsɪz]
  • n.要价;索价
  • asking price的复数
asking pricesasking prices

asking prices


  • 1
    N-COUNT (卖方的)开价,要价
    The asking price of something is the price which the person selling it says that they want for it, although they may accept less.

    Offers 15% below the asking price are unlikely to be accepted.


  1. Sellers lowered asking prices by3 % - 5 % this past weekend , and renters can expect a similar decline within a month , said Simon Lo , director of research and advisory at Colliers International Hong Kong .


  2. Primary dealers usually like to keep quiet about their asking prices .


  3. It says sellers will have to cut asking prices to attract buyers .


  4. And these are the asking prices , not necessarily the sums paid .


  5. And as China 's economy skyrocketed , so have their asking prices and reputations .


  6. The VC had been outbid on several properties during the pre-facebook frenzy , when asking prices could be a mere suggestion & on the low end .


  7. Table disc silent auction , the auction process machinery , electronic trade significantly faster . However , asking prices decline process often cause the person so vital and expecting prices to reduce .


  8. But there remains a mass of old master paintings in dealers " stocks - and in collectors " minds - whose asking prices still hark back to the age of Tommy Cooper .


  9. Buyers could end up waiting four months or longer to find out from a bank whether their offer on a short sale has been approved . And real-estate agents say bidding wars have intensified , with purchase prices of distressed homes often surpassing asking prices .


  10. Given their high standard , it 's not surprising that the costs are considerable , and they 're asking higher prices than the other companies I visited .


  11. Now I have more customers asking for different prices , so I can negotiate with supplier better .


  12. There has long been talk of Wong asking " seafood prices " -- at least 8 million yuan to give a performance -- says .


  13. A year that began with people asking whether oil prices would finally reach $ 100 a barrel is seeing some traders already betting on when it will hit $ 200 .
